Hour and date
The 06th at 10:00

Marquee (Place d'Armes)

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Ototo Board

Ototo is an all-in-one musical invention kit which allows you to make an instrument any way you want.

Ototo has got everything you need to make sound interactive: it's a synthesiser, it's got 12 onboard touch sensitive inputs and a range of different sensors which can be connected to 4 sensor inputs.
You can make sounds straight out of the box by touching the keys to trigger notes. By connecting conductive materials or objects to the keys on Ototo you can make them react to touch; turning anything you can imagine into an instrument. The keys on the Ototo are arranged like one octave of a musical keyboard. When you connect an object to a key using crocodile clips, you can trigger that note on your object.


Learn to use Ototo during KIKK Workshops

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